In the expansive underwater world of Meamare, a unicorn family lives in a shell clearing nestled in the sea forests. Only those who are very lucky and patient get to encounter the unicorn parents and their little ones. And once you've seen them, you will never forget them – the three magical creatures are so beautiful and mysterious. A mermaid has even managed to become friends with them. She visits them regularly, pets them, and even speaks with them. Just look what a fantastic pattern they have on their fur coat and how their tails and manes glisten. Which sea unicorn is your favourite?
- Fun Fact: Tales are told amongst mermaids that sea unicorns can walk onto land at solstice.
- Hand-painted and highly-detailed
- Schleich Item # 70570
- Dimensions(in): 5.9 W x 3.1 D x 7 H (15 W x 8 D x 18 H cm)
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